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Community Garden

Tuesday, 30 Jul 2019

Have you seen our vegetable garden yet?

Autumn is here and the garden is ready to plant and we would love your help. We will have a sign placed out near the pick up zone when we are on site gardening. The times planned are as follows:    

  • Tuesday and Wednesday 1 – 3 pm
  • One morning throughout the week, depending which day is most popular.

We also encourage you to like our BCC Common Grounds Facebook page for further updates and information.

For students in Years 3 to 6, we are also starting an Earth Care Group. An application letter with further details will be sent home shortly. The Earth Care Group will meet during lunch, one day a week. The day of the week will be confirmed based on student interest and parent support. Over time and with enough parent helpers, that will hopefully increase to multiple lunch meetings. If you would like to get involved in this please phone Wendy Abel on 0438 461 949.

No gardening experience is necessary. Come and learn new skills and meet new friends. The garden is about gathering people, sharing food and growing produce the way that God intended. We would like to inspire our kids to love growing vegetables and learning that they taste great too.