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COVID-19 Update

Tuesday, 17 Mar 2020

Talking to Children about COVID-19

It is impossible to escape media discussion about the fast-spreading Coronavirus, and if your children haven’t yet begun to ask about it, it is only a matter of time before they do. Many of the stories and rumours that circulate around schoolyards have little to do with the facts. For this reason, it is important to talk to your children, so that you are the source who they trust to understand how to be safe and to alleviate anxiety. Ensure that you are well-informed from government sources and be careful not to spread misinformation ( Be truthful, but recognise that at different ages, a child’s capacity to understand varies. What you say must be age-appropriate. Be reassuring. Even if the virus spreads widely within the community (and we need to be realistic that it may), for most young people, the symptoms are usually relatively mild. Encourage your children to pray for those who are sick. Prayer is not an alternative to healthcare, rather it is a reminder that this is God’s world and He is in control, even at difficult times.

At this stage, the Prime Minister has indicated that schools remain open and continue to follow the guidelines outlined by NSW Health. The College is in a preparedness phase and is indeed undertaking immediate and targeted action to contain COVID-19.  We have increased the frequency of good hygiene practice and continue to ask any staff or student who has cold or flu-like symptoms to stay home. Similarly, if anyone in your immediate home is being tested, please keep the children at home until the test results give the all clear. We have undertaken social distancing strategies and have set about reducing the size of meeting groups and cancelled certain excursions. The College is already planning for continuity of learning in the event of school closure and has established digital delivery plan. Details to follow when needed. 

These are uncertain times and I would like to reassure you that we will keep you informed as we continue to receive advice and support from the NSW Education Standards Authority and NSW Health. 

Our message to children is simple. We need to care for one another by looking after ourselves and having good hygiene. We have no control over whether the virus will enter the mainstream community, and therefore worrying about it just makes people sad and anxious. We need to pray that God would be gracious, but remember that grace takes many forms. I do not know what the course of the virus will be, but I am confident in a God who is Lord over all.

Ms Sharon Sopher

Receive COVID-19 updates via Skoolbag App

We will continue to update our BCC community via the Skoolbag App. Please check-in to your Skoolbag App on a regular basis for any announcements from our BCC Leadership Team.

COVID-19 Update, How to install the SkoolBag App 00d761

Canteen Payments in response to COVID-19

Commencing on Friday, 20th March the Canteen will not be taking cash payments in order to minimise the risks associated with transferring and handling cash. Please utilise our online ordering system or the contactless payment system at the Canteen.