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From our Director of Teaching and Learning, Miss Melanie Melcum

Tuesday, 18 Feb 2020

Cultivating Curiosity and Wonder

There’s something wonderful about the start of a new year. It holds so much promise and there is a sense of anticipation of what the year will bring, let alone the start of a new decade!

As always, our teachers are continuing to use the ‘Transformation by Design’ model to help us think deeply through how to deliver our curriculum in line with our College Vision and Mission. We look to weave biblical ‘threads’ through our teaching programs so that our students can see God’s handiwork in the topics they are learning.

This year we also have an overarching ‘thread’ for our teaching and learning: Cultivating Curiosity and Wonder

God has given us imaginations. Ephesians tells us that God can do even more than we can ask or imagine! Isn’t that amazing to think about!  The ability to be curious and to wonder about things is a gift that God has given us and we want to intentionally ‘cultivate’ that in our teaching and learning more this year.

We want our students to wonder about why the world is the way it is and to be curious about what they might be able to do to help where it’s needed, to change what’s not working, to be signposts to the kingdom of heaven. We want them to sit in their Science lessons and be amazed by the makeup of a cell and wonder about the intricacies of it, or learn complex mathematical problems and wonder about how they could apply those skills to help them solve real world problems. Ultimately, we want that wonder and curiosity to draw them closer toward their creator God. 

I love the way David ponders in Psalm 8- 3 “When I consider your heavens,the work of your fingers the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, 4 what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?” [c]

I love how David looks at the world around him in awe and wonder at God and who He is, and it then causes him to look at humanity and be amazed that God would imbue us with such power and position. This process of looking on at the world in amazement and being curious as to why things are the way they are, cause him to begin and end the Psalm with praise – “Lord our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!

May our learning be filled with curiosity and wonder and may it lead us to understand more deeply the goodness and majesty of our God.