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Prayer and Praise

Tuesday, 16 Mar 2021

Prayer over 2021 – a year of growth – for our community – in our personal lives, our spiritual walk, and in our expression of His love in and through our lives. And for a flourishing for our students in their endeavours…to His glory.

We are so blessed! I was on duty yesterday at lunchtime and couldn’t help but smile as I saw some of our youngest students socialising – they were laying down on the sun-warmed pavers, little heads nearly touching as they chatted and laughed together. They were in their own little world, in the middle of the bigger world of our school. At the same time I saw a child fall over and two friends helping them as they hobbled to sickbay while others were laughing as they played handball. For some reason it was like a short film of BCC life – literally hundreds of children and young people entrusted into our care, interacting with each other. In that moment it felt very special.

Mrs Rappeneker
Head of Student Services and Wellbeing

Prayer Points

Please continue to pray for :

~ Our very new students, new families and our new staff on team. Our growing BCC family.

~ For our students who don’t know Jesus and for our opportunities in CONNECT to invite them to consider who He is and what His life means for their life.

~ Mrs Vicki Quick and for Mrs Janine Ferreira as they both continue to recover and strengthen.

~ Our students facing personal and medical challenges, that they will know the mercy and blessing of God. We ask for His mercy and His tender love to minister into their hearts and minds.

~ Our Musical and for Camp preparations – it’s so good to have a sense that these big, very much anticipated, events may well go ahead this year.

~ Our parents who are going through troubling times, challenges with their health and some with finances. Please pray that our families will know His protection – His provision – and His presence in deeply personal ways.

Thank you for praying – for helping to weave a fabric of faith around our precious community.

Prayer and Praise, image 6

Prayer Requests

In deeply challenging times such as these, we find our rest in the unchanging nature and faithfulness of our Heavenly Father.

As a Christian community we understand the significance and purpose of prayer. It is the heart-beat of our College. Together we boldly pray to our Father, through the work of His Son, in the power of the Spirit.

If you have a prayer request please complete the form here. We would love to pray for you specifically, and for your family, during this time of change.

‘We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express’ Romans 8:26b

Praying Parents

Parents are invited to join our prayer group on Mondays at 8:15am and Fridays at 2:15pm, meeting at the flag pole after signing in at the College office. For more information please contact Wendy Robinson or phone 0409987939. Everyone is welcome to join in.