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Coins for Compassion Day

Tuesday, 2 Aug 2022

Coins for Compassion Day

We are delighted to announce that the total raised on Coins for Compassion Day was…

$10,650 !

Our goal was $9400 and with this amount, Compassion will be able to open a new project in the Philippines. This will mean hundreds of children will have access to education, food and healthcare which will have a positive and life changing impact on these children and their families. What’s also exciting is that because of our fundraising, hundreds of children will hear about Jesus – perhaps for the first time. We love that the culture of mission and giving is embedded in our students’ lives. Coins for Compassion day is now a favourite of many staff and students. It was so lovely to see the enthusiasm and generosity of our kids on the day and it’s awesome that the day impacts our students as well as children on the other side of the world.