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Prayer and Praise

Wednesday, 6 May 2020

I remember where I was when the news about Princess Diana came through, I was watching the news live when the second plane hit the twin towers – (just having finished watching The West Wing – so surreal)…and those two moments in recent history  are reference points for me – and for so many others. 

And now our current unprecedented experience is one we have all shared in – as a global community – and the lives of everyone have been impacted in some way or another. Shared memories are one way that relationships can form and we can move from being acquaintances to being friends…I wonder what shape of things God will draw out of this time…..
It would be wonderful to have an art work made up of the love and care being shown….the extraordinary acts of bravery, the sacrificial service, the generosity towards strangers, the connectedness in families…What a stunning canvas that would be!

Bronwyn Rappeneker
Head of Student Services and Wellbeing

Praise Points

~ Time to celebrate – Taylor and Emily Stafford welcomed their first born – Yolanda Jane Stafford – into the world last week. The photos are ‘melt your heart’ material! Yay for the joy our children bring to us!

Prayer Points

~ Our precious, incredible parents who are doing the most amazing job in helping to facilitate remote learning for their children
~ Our wonderful teachers as they continue to work through the challenges of remote learning and help ensure that their students are tracking well
~ For our College Leadership Team – the Executive and the Coordinators across Primary and Secondary – as decisions are made about the transition back to school and as they watch out for the staff and the students under their care
~ For our Year 12 HSC students – that they will know His peace – His comfort and the security of knowing that their futures are not determined by circumstances – but by a loving, faithful God
~ For families who may be struggling with finances, ill health, emotional pressures – that they will experience the ministry of God’s holy spirit , bringing calm and renewed hope and healing

We are blessed to know that the ministry of the College is underpinned by the faithful prayers of our ‘extended family’.

Prayer and Praise, image

Prayer Requests

In deeply challenging times such as these, we find our rest in the unchanging nature and faithfulness of our Heavenly Father.

As a Christian community we understand the significance and purpose of prayer. It is the heart-beat of our College. Together we boldly pray to our Father, through the work of His Son, in the power of the Spirit.

If you have a prayer request please complete the form here. We would love to pray for you specifically, and for your family, during this time of change.

‘We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express’ Romans 8:26b

Praying Parents

Parents are invited to join our prayer group on Mondays at 8:15am and Fridays at 2:15pm. Due to the COVID-19 crisis we now meet online, rather than at the College. For more information please contact Ang Proctor or phone 0409 288 000. Everyone is welcome to join in.