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The beginning of a life-long journey

In Kindergarten, your child will find a safe, warm and engaging place where they can begin their learning journey.

Belmont Christian College Kindergarten Student

Fostering a love of life-long learning

One of our goals at the College, under the direction of qualified and committed Christian teaching staff, is that your child develops strong literacy and numeracy skills from the very foundational stages of learning

Your child will be provided many opportunities to work in teams, explore new ideas and be exposed to the latest technologies, as well as a myriad of creative arts and sporting opportunities. 

Our lessons are based on strong Biblical foundations that are woven throughout the curriculum in each of the Key Learning Areas. Together, we want your child to know how loved they are by their Heavenly Father. 

A window into Kindergarten at BCC

Our Kindergarten classes are safe, warm and engaging places where children flourish in their learning. Our teachers are passionate and work hard to create environments that are conducive to growing and learning. 

Key Learning Areas

Throughout Kindergarten, your child will be exposed to a wide variety of different learning areas and staff expertise.

Our Kindergarten teachers use a range of teaching strategies to engage your child in learning. This includes whole class, small group, and independent activities, along with learning through play and investigation. 

Once a week on alternating afternoons, your child will also engage in Primary School Assemblies and Rise Up, our Christian studies program for all of Primary school. These are fantastic times of fellowship and encouragement which provide our younger students opportunities to learn from our BCC student leaders. 

Your child’s classroom teacher will lead learning across the following areas:

Kindergarten, kindergarten kla 1

In addition, throughout a normal week of Kindergarten at the College, your child will enjoy learning alongside specialist teachers in the areas of:

Kindergarten, kindergarten kla2

Literacy in Kindergarten

Learning to read and write form a critical part of the Kindergarten program at BCC.

Our aim is for our students to develop a love of literacy and to understand how reading can open up a whole new world of information and enjoyment. Strong literacy skills provide your child with access to a variety of different learning experiences. 

At BCC, we use an extensive and very successful phonics, vocabulary, oral language, and listening comprehension program, called InitiaLit.* 

In Kindergarten, we also use Heggerty’s Phonemic Awareness Program. This program consists of 10 minute drills each morning in phonological and phonemic awareness. The children learn about rhyming, syllables and sounds in words which are all foundational skills for successful reading. 

*Our approach to Literacy at BCC is strongly supported by research conducted by the NSW Government. Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation, ‘What works best: Evidence-based practices to help improve NSW student performance’, 2. Explicit Teaching, pg 9-10.


Learning Enrichment in Kindergarten

Meeting the learning needs of every child


We are committed to providing an excellent and equitable education for every child. Our Learning Enrichment Team exists to support teachers in their responsibility and desire to educate every child well.

In Kindergarten, the Learning Enrichment Team delivers support in a variety of ways, including phonics and Maths consolidation, small groups, individual in-class support, adjustments to the learning environment, and liaising with external providers.

Through our Extension and Enrichment program, the Learning Enrichment Team works with gifted students, who need to be challenged by more complex work so that they can develop and hone their higher-order skills.


Creative Arts in Kindergarten

At Belmont Christian College, we love the creative and performing arts.

Each day we encourage your children to grow in their love and appreciation of music, drama, dance and the visual arts. For one hour a week, Primary classes take lessons with a Specialist Music Teacher and a Specialist Drama/Dance Teacher.

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Music is a wonderful gift from God for all humanity to enjoy. We are convinced of the many benefits of a quality music education, where students receive:

A lifelong love and appreciation for beautiful and enriching music

The benefits of cognitive development through music making

Healthy mental and wellbeing mechanisms produced through music

Our approach to developing quality musicianship is first introduced through a sequenced singing method of musicianship known as Kodály. This way of learning commences in Kindergarten and forms the foundation of all music learning at the College, including music instrument ensemble playing and choral singing.

Stage Arts

Our Stage Arts program encourages each student to give expression to their unique, God given, ability to create. Our program provides opportunities to:

Equip the individual with skills and understandings to communicate and move effectively in front of an audience.

Build confidence in students, as they creatively explore in an environment that promotes risk taking and self expression.

Develop the ability to work through challenges and collaborative tasks.

Mindfully assess their work, encouraging personal growth through the giving and receiving of quality feedback.

Physical Education in Kindergarten

We recognise the importance of movement and helping our younger students lay a strong foundation in their movement abilities.

At the College, we enjoy the benefit of having a specialist PE teacher who takes our Kindergarten classes each week, in addition to mid-week lessons with classroom teachers. Students spend time working on and practicing Fundamental Movement Skills, gross motor activities and different sports through the early years of their schooling.

Meet our Kindergarten teachers

Our amazing Kindy team love teaching at BCC!

Kindergarten, Kindergarten Amy Portrait PRINT

Miss Amy Crawford

Bachelor of Teaching (Primary) (Honours)

What is Miss Crawford’s favourite part about teaching Kindergarten?
“It is such a privilege to foster the young hearts and minds of school’s littlest beings. The ability to work alongside family members to best support the transition into schooling life is what I love most about Kindergarten. It is a heart-warming experience for the teacher to be a part of a Kindergartener’s journey and incredibly rewarding to see student growth. I enjoy helping Kindergarten navigate through their deep emotions, and experiencing the joy that comes with their infectious laughs and smiles. The opportunity to help Kindergarten students make sense of the world around them is certainly a highlight of my teaching career so far.”

What does Miss Crawford like to do in her spare time?
“I enjoy being involved in church events and knowing God deeper through devotional studies. I often spend time on the Central Coast visiting much loved friends and family. I enjoy singing, the sunshine and being active outdoors.”

Kindergarten, Kindergarten Maisey Portrait PRINT

Mrs Maisey Burgess

Bachelor of Education (Primary)

What is Mrs Burgess’ favourite part about teaching Kindergarten?
There is so much to love about teaching Kindergarten. The first year of school is such a special time in a child’s life and to me there is nothing quite like the joy and growth that our little people experience in their first year of schooling. What a privilege it is to be able to pour into the next generation as they learn to walk as children of light!

What does Mrs Burgess like to do in her spare time?
In my spare time I enjoy relaxing with a cup of tea, socialising with family and friends and creative pastimes like trying out new recipes or hunting for new pieces to add to my wardrobe.

Kindergarten, Pip Kindergarten Photo4

Mrs Philippa Richards

Bachelor of Education in Primary Education

What is Mrs Richards’ favourite part about teaching Kindergarten?
“I love that school is new and exciting for Kindy students, and it is such a privilege to have an impact on their attitude towards learning. I love facilitating and seeing the huge growth that occurs in each child – their academic growth as well as their social emotional growth. I am grateful for the opportunity to share God’s love with them and help them explore and develop their relationship with God too.”

What does Mrs Richards like to do in her spare time?
In my spare time I love going to the beach for a swim and a walk, especially with my family and friends.

Kindergarten, Catherine Rufford WEB

Mrs Catherine Rufford

Bachelor of Primary Education

What is Mrs Rufford’s favourite part about teaching Kindergarten?

“Kindergarten is wonderful to teach because I have the privilege to nurture the learning growth of young students and witness their development of foundational knowledge and skills. It brings me great joy to see kinder students finishing the year reading and writing when, for so many, they came to school without these skills. I love the curiosity, enthusiasm and engagement of kinder students in all aspects of school life. It is truly an incredible blessing to provide each precious child with a welcoming, safe and stimulating learning environment for them to belong and thrive in. We share laughs and fun times while also navigating challenges and new territories in learning together. I thank God for every special child within my care and endeavour to serve them and their families to the best of my ability.”

What does Mrs Rufford like to do in her spare time?

“In my spare time I enjoy venturing out into nature, particularly coastal areas, to swim, ride or run. The Redhead Pump track is a favourite spot to do some BMX riding with my kids. I delight in exploring new places with family and catching up with friends over a cuppa. On rare occasions, when I have no one to be responsible for, I like to read a soul-nourishing book or lie in the sunshine and take a quick nap.”


From our College Principal, Ms. Sharon Sopher

It is my privilege to welcome you and your family to Belmont Christian College.

Under God, our College exists to support you, as parents, in the education of your children. There is a famous scripture from the book of Proverbs that reads:

Train up a child in the way they should go; and when they are old, they will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6

As you journey with us at BCC, know that our teachers are primarily here, by your side, to support and train your children into becoming active servants of the Lord, not better citizens. What a privilege it is to prepare our youth for God’s work.

As College Principal, I recognise that starting Kindergarten is a new adventure, not only for your child, but for Mum and Dad too. We are so thankful that you are here.

Please know that our prayerful commitment is that your child will be loved and known by name. As a College, we are here for every single learner, and that includes your precious little one.

This first year will be filled with many wonderful memories and learning experiences that will form a strong foundation for the years ahead.

We look forward to welcoming you into our College community and partnering alongside you in Christian Education.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Kindergarten like at Belmont Christian College?

At Belmont Christian College, our Kindergarten classes are safe, warm and engaging places where children flourish in their learning. Our classrooms are bright and happy places that help to bridge the gap between home and school. Our teachers are passionate and work hard to create environments that are conducive to growing and learning. This environment assists each child to reach their God-given potential in the important first years of education.

What can my child expect on his or her first day of Kindergarten?

To ensure all children feel comfortable, we have a staggered start on our first day. Families will be given an arrival time and this ensures that your child’s teacher can greet the family personally and help them unpack and get settled into an activity. Our first day is gentle, warm and welcoming with many fun activities planned, including activities to help the children settle into the new routines. 

Extra staff are rostered on Kindergarten, ensuring there are plenty of welcoming adults in the case of separation anxiety. Parents are then welcome to gather for morning tea to chat and share with each other as their little ones start their first day of school. The day will fly by for both children and parents, with an early pick up scheduled to ensure a successful and happy day.

What will my child learn in Kindergarten?

We have a comprehensive approach to Literacy in the early years. We use a program called InitiaLit where the students learn letter to sound correspondence and how these are applied to reading and spelling. This intensive but very successful program should see your child achieve success in their literacy learning. Numeracy is our other main focus where we love using hands on, fun activities to help the students learn all about number and other mathematical concepts. Our timetable also involves time spent on Science, History, Geography, Visual Arts and Health.

The students will also be taught by our specialty teachers for Physical Education (PE) and Stage Arts. We also go to the library each week to engage in Literacy, Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) activities.

Will my child’s progress be regularly assessed, and if so, how?

Students are assessed regularly throughout the year by their classroom teacher. All assessment in Kindergarten is undertaken individually, with the form of assessment dependent upon the subject and content involved. Assessment often takes the form of oral/aural, observations, work samples and performance. Where possible, adjustments are made for individual students to allow them to convey their understanding and knowledge to the best of their ability when being assessed.

Does my child get weekly homework?

We find it very beneficial for our children to revise their newly learnt sounds and tricky words at home to help them gain mastery and confidence. Throughout the year homework will reinforce the literacy skills that are being taught in the classroom. Our Kindergarten Home Reading Program is tailored to your child’s developmental and individual learning needs throughout the year.

Is there an orientation program for Kindergarten?

The College has developed a comprehensive Orientation Program to ensure your child feels secure and confident, as well as excited to attend Kindergarten.

We run a Parent Information Evening to ensure all questions are answered for parents, and this includes information specifically about Kindergarten, as well as the whole College. To find out more about these Information Evenings, contact the College.

We then have three Orientation Mornings for the children where they will spend time in the classroom with their Kindergarten teachers.  They will meet their new peers and engage in some fun games and activities that will help them feel safe and secure in the new environment. Our aim in Kindergarten is to work alongside families to ensure every child feels safe, secure, valued and loved. 

Kindergarten, community playgroup

Belmont Christian College Community Playgroup is a group for parents and caregivers of children 0-6 years in the local community.

Partnering with you

Communication between your family and the College forms a crucial part of the education journey.

Parent Directory

An up-to-date online directory summarising all key communication channels and need-to-know information between the College and families.

Community Hub

A place where you can catch up on all things BCC. Photos, videos, the latest newsletters and other media from the College Community can all be found here.


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