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Our Leadership

Leading with wisdom

Executive Team


Ms Sharon Sopher


Ms Sharon Sopher is passionate about transforming lives and providing Kingdom Education that develops lifelong learners. She believes that God has called her to lead and serve in a way that will assist students to “grow up into Christ.

Sharon has worked in Christian Education for 31 years and has extensive leadership experience in education and ministry contexts. She is dedicated to ensuring that our graduates emerge from the College as creative and innovative problem solvers able to think critically, yet maintain a strong sense of self and identity. She desires that our graduate attributes would assist students to be community focussed, strong relationship builders and wise choice-makers with sound Christian values.

Sharon takes seriously the noble task of preparing students to be future fit for their lifetime, and future fit for eternity. Her prayer for the College is that it would become a place of shalom where students and staff grow into the wholeness of all that God intends, and in the process, BCC becomes a beacon of light and hope for the whole community. It is for this reason that she is excited about leading our team of professional educators and colleagues at BCC.

Deputy Principal

Mr David Holland


Mr David Holland worked in the public-school sector for over 20 years as a primary trained teacher. He has a strong record of leadership with 11 years’ service guiding two separate local primary schools as Principal. Until this point in his career, he felt strongly led to serve God in the public sector as a source of light in the world. He would strive to be a good role model for all members of the school community with his faith in Christ as a pillar for his leadership, actions and words. David looks forward to bringing this passion and experience to BCC.

David is passionate about evidence-based practice and high-quality teaching and learning. His interest in evidence-based practice led him to implement explicit instruction pedagogy in the schools for which he was Principal. He believes that explicit teaching is the most effective method for assisting students to progress in their learning. 

David is a student-focussed leader whose decision-making is always guided by what is best for students, or what leads to the best outcomes for students. He sees partnerships with parents as essential in working towards the best outcomes – whether they be educational, spiritual and or personal outcomes.   

Business Manager

Mr Rhys Tippett


Mr Rhys Tippett is deeply passionate about organisations like Belmont Christian College, which play a significant role in our community. He is committed to fostering cultures where people feel cared for, valued, and know they are loved by God. As a Chartered Accountant with over 14 years of experience, the vast majority of which is in the not-for-profit sector, Rhys brings a strong focus on financial management. His aim is to provide our educators with the best environment to grow and develop students, ensuring resources are utilised effectively to support our mission.

In his role, Rhys draws upon his extensive experience to implement strategic financial plans that align with the college’s vision for holistic education. He believes that sound financial stewardship is crucial in enabling the school to fulfill its mission of nurturing students spiritually, academically, and socially.

Outside of work, Rhys can often be found on the soccer field, and along with his wife & children is actively involved in his church community.

Head of Primary

Mr Chris Stewart


Mr Chris Stewart has worked in Christian schools for 7 years and as a generalist primary teacher at a local performing arts public school for several years prior.

He is passionate about seeing children grow into all that God has made them to be, and to develop in ways that will see them grow as a passionate follower of Jesus. He believes the healthy growth and development of a child rests on the efforts of families, teachers and children coming together in partnership, to stretch and grow in the various skills and knowledge  set before them in the school environment.

Holding a Bachelor of Creative Arts (Music Ministry) and a Master of Teaching (Primary), Chris loves the Primary School environment where he strives to nurture a safe, robust learning space that celebrates students as individuals and as participants of a loving, Christian community.

When he is not at school, Chris enjoys creative pursuits such as playing piano and guitar, leading worship at church, writing and reading, playing tennis and spending time in God’s creation with his family.

Head of Secondary

Mr Alex Cameron


Mr Alex Cameron has been teaching in Christian schools for over 20 years. He is passionate about partnering with families and modeling Kingdom living, helping students to understand how the world works best – focusing on the Lordship of Christ and relationships that honour others.

He believes that a relational approach builds community, being a blessing to those around us. By this we can nurture students, committed to glorifying Christ by our behavior, teaching and guiding children in our care to do the same. Alex holds a Bachelor of Science, a Masters of Teaching and a Masters of Education Leadership. He attends Grace Evangelical Church where Alex serves as a Deacon and small group leader.

Outside of work Alex enjoys spending time with the family of mostly adult kids and their respective partners, wrenching on cars and going to the gym with Mrs Cameron.


Director of Teaching & Learning

Mr Andrew Kable


Mr Andrew Kable is a respected educator and leader who has worked extensively in education and in leadership in the non-profit sector. He has a background in evidence-based education and is passionate about transforming classrooms into dynamic, engaging and productive learning environments. His heart is that every student who comes to Belmont Christian College is engaged and growing in every lesson, every day. 

Andrew’s focus is working with staff and students to refine our educational approach at the College, as well as develop strategic pathways for a transformative education that empowers students to grow, learn and develop.

He holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts, a Masters of Teaching, and a Masters of Education. Andrew also brings to the role a wide range of experiences outside of education, including working in private-sector business, non-profit marketing, disability care, and international aid work. When he’s not at school, Andrew is a writer, and loves spending time outdoors with his wife and three children.


Mr David Gray


Mr David Gray is an experienced educator and strategist who is prayerfully committed to training up and equipping the next generation of Christian Educators.

With a deep passion for growing a gospel inspired relationship between home, church and school, Dave’s previous experience in the business world, along with leading teams within the post-graduate Christian education sector, greatly supports his role here at the College. Dave loves to think beyond what has always been and thrives on new ideas to best steward and grow the amazing gift that is Christian schooling. He holds a Bachelor of Business, Diploma of Education and a Masters of Education Leadership.

Dave attends Hunter Bible Church (HBC) with his family where he serves in a number of different capacities. Outside of work, Dave enjoys surfing, reading, time in the garden with his wife and two boys, and kayaking on God’s beautiful Lake Macquarie.

Our Board

Board Chair 

Mr Ian Livingstone


Ian was born again as a teenager at Belmont Baptist Church and has continued to serve his Lord there all his life.

He has had over 50 years’ experience in private companies having owned and operated his own businesses from farming, property development to housing construction, currently employing over 300 staff.

He has served on a number of boards including public and private companies as well as “not for profit organisations.

He has a strong belief in Christian Education which is exhibited by firstly his twenty-two years on the College’s Board (thirteen years as chairman) and secondly having all of his three children educated at the College. He can attest to the truth of Proverbs 22:6, “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it”.

Deputy Chairman

Rev Mark Riethmuller


Mark has 10 years experience working with Churches and now serves as the Lead Pastor at Belmont Baptist Church. Previously Mark also studied and worked in the IT Industry (Web Development). Mark is currently completing a course with Arrow Leadership while balancing family life with his beautiful wife Cassy. Together they are blessed with four sons Noah, Jacob, Samuel and Reuben. Mark is a basketball enthusiast, coffee advocate and gamer.


Mr Nathan Baker


Nathan has experienced the College journey first-hand. Having spent his entire school life as a student at BCC, his final year was spent as school captain in 1997. Now as a parent of a child at the College, Nathan continues to witness the impact it is having on the lives of its students, both spiritually and academically.

Nathan and his family joined Belmont Baptist Church in 2016 upon returning to Lake Macquarie after a period of time away. Immediately they felt at home and are blessed to be a part of the church family, with Nathan and his wife Alison serving in the area of children’s ministry.

Nathan has a Master of Business Administration degree from the University of Newcastle and brings with him a background in supply chain and procurement across the manufacturing, mining and higher education industries.


Mr Shaun Hassall


Shaun is a follower of Jesus with a strong passion for seeing the gospel spread in the local Newcastle and Lake Macquarie region and attends Hunter Bible Church (HBC) where he serves actively. Having spent over 15 years in senior management and Executive roles in the financial institutions, corporate angle government sectors, Shaun has, by the grace of God, established a strong business, corporate, strategic, risk and financial skillset. Shaun is passionate about using his commercial skillset to contribute to Belmont Christian College’s plans to see children come to know and love their God and Saviour and achieve their God given talent in this world that they might bring glory to Him.  


Mr Peter Donald


Peter had the privilege of a Christian education at Epping Baptist Church and Barker College, Hornsby. He studied Medicine at Sydney University and went on to specialise in Paediatrics. He moved to Maitland with his young family and worked for 30 years in private practice and as a staff specialist. In addition to clinical work, he enjoyed teaching students from Newcastle University. Other career highlights were working with World Vision in Bangladesh and for the NHS in England.

Peter’s wife Trish, was a primary school teacher and school counsellor. They have four adult children and ten grandchildren, three of whom attend BCC. Having been members of an Anglican church in Sydney, a Baptist and a Church of Christ in Maitland, they joined Belmont Baptist Church when they moved from Lorn to Valentine in 2020 to be closer to grandchildren. In retirement, Peter continues to enjoy golf in addition to regular involvement in the lives of his extended family.

In joining the Board of BCC, Peter is hoping his many years of working with children will enable him to contribute to the provision of an excellent learning environment in which all students can fulfil their potential and Grow up into Christ.