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From our Head of Primary, Mrs Leoni McNeill

Tuesday, 3 Nov 2020

From our Head of Primary, Mrs Leoni McNeill, McNeill Leoni 000171

Our desire for students at Belmont Christian College is that they become empowered learners. We encourage them to be flexible thinkers with skills and knowledge to respond critically and creatively to their world.  This has been evidenced by what we see happening in our classrooms, from our youngest in Beginners through to Stage 3 and beyond. Confidence building naturally occurs in students as they develop strong relationships with their teachers and each other in their learning. All  of this can take place not only in the classroom and outdoor learning spaces at school, but also outside this environment. An example is just this week whereby Stage 3 students had the privilege of attending a ‘bonus’ three day, two night stay at the Great Aussie Bush Camp. This came almost as a surprise because of current COVID restrictions. However, it was another opportunity for students to be challenged and grow their learning – specifically spiritually, socially and emotionally in developing their relational skills in a setting that fosters fun and inclusion for all. 

As we continue to serve and partner with our College community, we pray for blessings and good health as we journey together strongly throughout the remainder of Term 4.