HSC | Chemistry
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Course Description
The Chemistry course explores the structure, composition and reactions of and between all elements, compounds and mixtures that exist in the Universe. The discovery and synthesis of new compounds, the monitoring of elements and compounds in the environment, and an understanding of industrial processes and their applications to life processes are central to human progress and our ability to develop future industries and sustainability.
NOTE: Students wishing to study multiple Science subjects in Stage 6 may choose up to 6 units in the Preliminary course, and 7 units in the HSC Course. We offer Science Extension (1 unit) in Year 12 for those students continuing with at least one HSC Science subject and wish to pursue the additional unit. Students can also switch from any Science to another at the end of the Preliminary course e.g. Switch from 11 Physics into 12 Investigating Science. You might like to consider the long-term options when choosing a Science subject for Year 11.
Topics studied in Year 11
- Module 1: Properties and structure of matter
- Module 2: Introduction to quantitative Chemistry
- Module 3: Reactive Chemistry
- Module 4: Drivers of Reactions
Topics studied in Year 12
- Module 5: Equilibrium and Acid reactions
- Module 6: Acid/Base Reactions
- Module 7: Organic Chemistry
- Module 8: Applying chemical ideas
What do you do in this course?
Chemistry involves using differing scales, specialised representations, explanations, predictions and creativity, especially in the development and pursuit of new materials. It requires students to use their imagination to visualise the dynamic, minuscule world of atoms in order to gain a better understanding of how chemicals interact.
How can this course help you in the future?
An understanding of Chemistry can lead to a range of career opportunities that can include health and medicine, chemical engineering, forensics, pathology, biomedical engineering and much more.
Chemistry develops many transferable skills such as critical thinking, scientific investigative skills and problem-solving to focus on innovative solutions to big problems in the chemical world.