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HSC  |  English (Extension)

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Course Description

The English Extension course provides students who undertake Advanced English and are accomplished in their use of English with the opportunity to extend their use of language and self-expression in creative and critical ways. The course is designed for students with an interest in literature and a desire to pursue specialised study of English.

Through engaging with increasingly complex concepts through a broad range of literature, from a range of contexts, students refine their understanding and appreciation of the cultural roles and the significance of texts and about the way that literature shapes and reflects the global world.


English (Extension)


(Preliminary and HSC)

Course Type

Board Developed

Topics studied in Year 11

Students explore the ways in which aspects and concerns of texts from the past have been carried forward, borrowed from and/or appropriated into more recent culture. They consider how and why cultural values are maintained and changed.
The course has one mandatory module: Texts, Culture and Value as well as a related research project.

Note: you must enrol in Extension One if you wish to complete Extension Two in Yr 12.

Topics studied in Year 12

Students explore, investigate, experiment with and evaluate the ways texts represent and illuminate the complexity of individual and collective lives in literary worlds.
The course has one common module, Literary Worlds, with five associated electives. Students must complete one elective chosen from one of the five electives offered for study.

What do you do in this course?

Read, discuss, analyse and compose texts of varying types for various purposes, all designed to enhance your ability to communicate effectively and understand the world we live in.

How can this course help you in the future?

This Extension course gives students interested in studying English-related subjects at a university level more opportunities to develop their skills and abilities in English.