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Primary School Remote Learning

Wednesday, 8 Apr 2020

Last week we opened remote learning for our BCC community. Teachers took immediate action in order to provide the best possible ‘at home’ learning for their students – both hands-on comprehensive paper/bookpacks and digital platforms – SeeSaw for the younger years and Google Classroom for Stage 2 & 3 students.

Teachers have gone above and beyond in their efforts to develop extensive, differentiated, practical learning programs that best suits this style of learning. Lessons have been based on the NSW Australian Curriculum and Scope and Sequences for Kindergarten to Stage 3. Extension and enrichment opportunities have been provided, along with learning materials that may assist those students who require extra help in certain areas.

All of Term 2 resources have been prepared and packaged, with many parents picking up their child’s bookpack from the College. Today ( 8 April) we will complete our ‘home deliveries’, with a BCC team set to drive to the homes of many of our parents, so that their child is ready to go for Term 2.

Our online portal also provides further tips & strategies for parents so that their child is well placed for their learning at home experience. Thank you parents. Connection with our Primary School families is paramount, and please be assured that we are here ready to serve.

As we conclude this term, my prayer is that all our families truly grasp the full meaning of Easter, that between the chocolate and the eggs and the family time, we all take time to reflect upon Easter and its meaning to all of us.

Blessings to all

Leoni McNeill MEd DipEd BEd Dip T

Head of Primary / Teacher Accreditation K-12

Belmont Christian College 

Phone: (02) 49228300
