Hi Parents and Caregivers,
Based on the new information from the State Government today we’re moving to Remote Learning from 24 March, with the majority of teaching and learning happening through our online platform.
Students will use their Google Classrooms as their predominant source of information.
Students will essentially follow their regular school timetable and as they log into their relevant google classroom they will find the work that their teachers have uploaded for that lesson.
As students log in they will see a link to a Google Form which will be how they ‘sign in’ to each lesson.
Students will then begin to complete the work set for them. If they have questions they can make comments under the post or they could email their teacher.
This is obviously an unfolding situation and we want our students to be as well prepared as possible.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact either myself or your child’s teachers.
Thank you for partnering with us as we navigate this tricky situation together.
God bless,
Melanie Melcum
Director of Teaching and Learning
Cultivating Curiosity & Wonder
Belmont Christian College