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VET  |  Information and Digital Technology

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Information and Digital Technology, image

Course Description

Students who undertake the Information & Digital Technology course at Belmont Christian College can use the subject to gain an ATAR as well as gain a Certificate III in Information Technology. IDT explores a range of computer skills and uses a practical, competency-based assessment. Skills include working and communicating in an ICT environment, installing and optimising software, testing software, web design, animation and a wide range of electives.

Course Qualification

ICT30120 Certificate III in Information Technology


2 | Preliminary and HSC

Course Type

VET Board Developed, ATAR Eligible

Topics studied in Year 11

  • Develop and extend critical and creative thinking skills
  • Securely manage personally identifiable information and workplace information
  • Identify IP , ethics and privacy policies in ICT environments
  • Apply introductory programming techniques
  • Assist with managing workplace safety
  • Work in a team
  • Create ICT user documentation

Topics studied in Year 12


  • Provide ICT advice to clients
  • Build simple webpages
  • Produce digital images for the web
  • Develop a web presence using social media
  • Run standard diagnostic tests
  • Create ICT user documentation
  • Develop and extend critical and creative thinking skills

Who is this course designed for?

This course provides the skills and knowledge for an individual to be competent in a wide range of general information and communications technology (ICT) technical functions and to achieve a degree of self-sufficiency as an advanced ICT user.

What do you do in this course?

Students cover a wide range of ICT based competencies. We offer the Digital Animation Stream where students learn animation skills in both 2D and 3D. Students also learn how to make web pages using HTML as well as commercial applications, and demonstrate their ability to install and optimise other software.

Special Features & Conditions

  • Competency-based assessment of skills and knowledge
  • Leads to a nationally recognised AQF qualification
  • Includes an optional HSC examination for inclusion in ATAR calculations. Students specify whether or not they will sit this examination.

How can this course help you in the future?

Students should consider IDT if they are interested in:

  • Gaining a Certificate III in Information Technology
  • Getting an ATAR as well as TAFE qualifications
  • Learning more about computers and specific applications
  • Gaining new skills in writing specific documents and working in an ICT environment
  • Gaining a grounding in the use of computers to improve their job prospects

Studying VET at Belmont Christian College

Work Placement

Each VET course includes a mandatory component of work placement during which a student visits a workplace that is linked to the course being studied. This on-the-job training is an essential part of each course. If students do not complete this requirement, the course will remain incomplete.

Assessment Information

All VET courses are competency-based. Students are assessed against prescribed performance criteria as either ‘competent’ or ‘not yet competent’ under each framework.

HSC & ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admission Rank)

VET subjects can contribute to the Higher School Certificate. Industry Framework Courses are able to contribute to an ATAR. However, Board Endorsed Courses (BEC) do not contribute to the calculation of an ATAR.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

Students may have their current knowledge, skills and experience relevant to the units of competency within the course recognised, provided they can produce current, quality evidence of their achieved competency.

School-Based Apprenticeships & Traineeships

School-Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships (SBA/Ts) are a great way for students to set themselves up for the career they want while completing their HSC. Students are paid for real work experience, while gaining a nationally-recognised VET qualification and contributing towards their HSC studies.

Students can commence an apprenticeship (Stage 1) or complete a traineeship while at school.

Contact details

Careers Adviser and VET Coordinator

Mrs Susan Carter |

Head of Secondary School

Mr Alex Cameron |

Director of Teaching and Learning

Mr Andrew Kable |

Complaints & Appeals

If students have concerns about aspects of the course, such as resources, facilities, another person, an assessment task or result, they have the right to raise their concerns with the College. Please contact the VET Coordinator.