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Week 11 – Pupil Free Days

Monday, 30 Mar 2020

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

The Executive team met this morning to discuss the implications on College operations in light of the Premier’s recent announcement, that schools will run Pupil Free Days in Week 11 but will be open for the children of essential workers only.

The College has decided that during this time:

  • If you have the capacity to care for your child at home, please do so.
  • Students of essential workers that need to attend the College next week will be supervised.

Essential workers have been broadly defined by the Prime Minister and other leaders to include front line workers and those who need to be working.

  • For all other students Week 11 will be Pupil Free Days. This means there will be no lessons, on campus or online.
  • Term 2 will commence as per the College calendar dates (subject to Government directives).

Please complete this eform if you require support from the College during the pupil free day’s period. We have also asked if you anticipate that these arrangements will need to continue for your family in Term 2 as we plan for ongoing alternative educational delivery. If you need to choose supervision for your child/ren in Week 11, please note they can wear mufti, as it is not a usual school day, and you will need to provide reading materials/activities etc. to occupy them throughout the days.

The College will be in contact with you over the coming days to share more details of these arrangements. Could I please remind you to be checking our Community Hub on the website for all COVID-19 updates.

Please note that it appears that schools will need to provide remote learning for students for some time. As parents, please start thinking about what this means and how it will impact you as a family. By now, you probably have settled into a routine for home schooling. Can I encourage you to be mindful that this could be for some time and to make sure that your plans are sustainable.

Parent Support Tips

  • Maintain the family’s normal routines and expectations as much as possible
  • Establish routines and expectations for online learning days – aim to keep the routines of a ‘normal’ school day as much as possible
  • Allow your child to self-manage their online classes – we encourage the use of headphones once they login to the class. Their computer screens should not be shared while online in classes with any other individuals
  • Discuss with your child the online physical space for their online classes The College has recommended to students that they ‘attend’ their classes in a more public work space other than their bedroom or where they usually do homework/study. They can wear headphones if there is concern about disruption from other family activities. This will preserve their usual study spaces for homework/study after school classes are over
  • Monitor communications via email and Google Classroom/SeeSaw from the College/teachers
  • Encourage times at the end of the school day for quiet work and reflection offline
  • Encourage physical activity and/or relaxation
  • Remain mindful of any concerns your child may have about the current situation and contact the Connect teacher for support if required
  • Monitor how much time your child is spending online throughout the day. However, students are also encouraged to remain in contact with their friends – a delicate balance is required.

Bless you as we continue in partnership in the education of your children.

God is our refuge.

Yours sincerely


Sharon Sopher

Belmont Christian College